Is Robin Thicke the Next Big MRA? (OR: Feminism Under Validity Assault Again)

Men’s Rights Activist, for those not familiar with the more absurd parts of the Internet.

Robin Thicke has caught some attention lately with a catchy song with a music video containing naked breasts. Female breasts, also known as Satan in the United States, played a prominent role as women walked around with them attached and uncovered in the video. They didn’t really do anything; the women didn’t either.

So, forthright, background is needed here. So I turn to an interview with the guy. Thicke seems like he might know something about his own song, so it may be worth a shot.


That’s what I wanted to create, just imitating how we were in the studio. A lot of my videos and songs have been so serious—about love and pride and relationships and hope and getting over insecurities and vulnerabilities. But lately, I’ve just wanted to have fun and enjoy my life, really appreciate all the great things that I have, like a great wife, a great child, and a great career. That shows up in the music with more humor and light-heartedness.

There’s more in the link if you care, but he really sums up his case in one paragraph: it’s a humourous song after a series of serious songs. His career has been an attempt to be the next John Lennon, and now he just wants to have fun.  

We tried to do everything that was taboo. Bestiality, drug injections, and everything that is completely derogatory towards women. Because all three of us are happily married with children, we were like, “We’re the perfect guys to make fun of this.” People say, “Hey, do you think this is degrading to women?” I’m like, “Of course it is. What a pleasure it is to degrade a woman. I’ve never gotten to do that before. I’ve always respected women.” So we just wanted to turn it over on its head and make people go, “Women and their bodies are beautiful. Men are always gonna want to follow them around.” After the video got banned on YouTube, my wife tweeted, “Violence is ugly. Nudity is beautiful. And the ‘Blurred Lines’ video makes me wanna…” You know. And that’s the truth. Right now, with terrorism and poverty and Wall Street and Social Security having problems, nudity should not be the issue.

In case you missed it earlier, the guy is married with children.  Sure, there are misogynists out there who do so, but it’s still a notable point. His wife publicly approving of the song is pretty damn telling that he is actually making fun of the situation outlined in the song rather than being that douche at the club.

Wife and kids also implies not being at the club much to be that douche.


That concludes our segment on the character of Robin Thicke. There’s still the actual lyrics at hand, since a few people listened to them after they heard the video had women with breasts in it and an even more select few read and analyzed the lyrics. Maybe. Possibly. let’s try that.

“If you can’t hear, what I’m tryna say
If you can’t read, from the same page
Maybe I’m going deaf
Maybe I’m going blind
Maybe I’m out of my mind”

So far so good. Standard cheap romance lyrics. I guess someone could complain about ableism, but I haven’t heard any. So let’s keep going and ignore the clear actual issue here.

“OK, now he was close
Tried to domesticate you
But you’re an animal
Baby, it’s in your nature”

A guy tries to “domesticate” the girl, presumably meaning make her “his”, but she didn’t want that. Okay, seems pretty pro-female so far.

“Just let me liberate you
You don’t need no papers
That man is not your mate
And that’s why I’m gon’ take you”

Yes. Here’s where the feminist rage can commence. He’s “gon’ take [her]”. Do ignore that bit about liberation at the start. This is clearly forceful; that’s why she’s letting him do it. The line doesn’t say “Just let me,” it says, “I’m going to”. (Well, it says both, depending where you look. So whether this is sexual freedom or some asshole rapist is yet to be seen.)

“Good girl!
I know you want it”

Here’s the chorus and probably the entire centre of contention since nobody listens to the rest of the lyrics. Song about society saying having fun sex is wrong being wrong? Maybe.  Song about rape? Probably a bit extreme since all he’s said is he knows she wants it. He could just be cocky about his appearance. (Considering it’s a fun pop song, that seems likely.)

“You’re a good girl!
Can’t let it get past me
You’re far from plastic
Talk about getting blasted”

Again, she’s a apparently virtuous girl. My understanding of “far from plastic” means she’s not like some Barbie™ doll that can be owned. Talking about getting blasted is talking about getting very drunk or high. Maybe he’s a bad influence; maybe she’s too real to be plastic.

“I hate these blurred lines!
I know you want it”

Life isn’t black and white. Thicke makes it no secret that’s what Blurred Lines (the entire album) is about. So nobody’s entirely “good” or “bad”. Okay. This guy seems pretty reasonable, actually.

“But you’re a good girl!
The way you grab me
Must wanna get nasty
Go ahead, get at me”

She grabs him and he consents. I’m not sure this can get farther from rape. That “select few” I mentioned earlier must not even exist.

“What do they make dreams for
When you got them jeans on
What do we need steam for
You the hottest bitch in this place!”

A compliment. A sex-oriented comment, yes, but that’s an issue to be taken by the Moral Guardians, not the Feminists. Or did I not get the memo that being sex-positive went out of style? 

Then he makes a joke that “hug me” and “fuck me” rhyme. Did I mention this song is a joke? Like, did Robin not announce enough he’s changing direction to have fun now?

He repeats himself and then T.I., another guy like Robin, comes in to rap a bit.

“One thing I ask of you
Lemme be the one you bring that ass up to
From Malibu to Paris, boo”

Lol. Okay, so he wants her to fuck him. Asking her makes it nonconsenual, right? Asking is the problem? No?

“Had a bitch, but she ain’t bad as you
So, hit me up when you passin’ through”

So he sleeps around. Cool. That’s what they’re advocating the women do. Sounds damn egalitarian to me. (Also, for more humour, note this guy is married with kids and totally not serious.)

“‘ll give you something big enough to tear your ass in two”

A dick comment. Only guy to ever say his dick is big. Ever. No guy has ever done that. (Fun fact: he objectified himself.)

I could continue this, but there’s hardly any need. T.I. continues a while longer, but the theme stays the same until the end. So now that we all know Robin, Pharrel, and T.I. aren’t horrible misogynists, there’s still that tittastic video.

Women walk around topless. Okay. While normally this is the realm of the Moral Guardians (who hardly need explanation for why they are silly), the feminists are complaining.

Oh yeah. Feminists are all for women being topless at will. I guess it’s just when Robin is okay with it there’s an issue.

Conclusion: Robin Thicke is not Jack the Ripper. Fight someone who actually is oppressing women.

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